Thursday, October 18, 2007

Will Richardson's Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts

The New Shifts
Big Shift #1 Open Content
From the text book as source of information to a Google Internet search. Students and teachers are writing and publishing their own "books"
pg 127 - 8 Blogs, Wikis, Podcast and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms by Will Richardson

Big Shift #2
Many, Many Teachers, and 24/7 Learning
Students can learn 24/7 and collaboratively connect with teachers and fellow students
Students are no longer just consumers of knowledge and information
pg 128

Big Shift #3
The Social, Collaborative Construction of Meaningful Knowledge
The walls of the classroom have come down. What a student produces is not limited to the classroom but can be shared with the world. Classroom work can have real world applications and feedback from constributers from all over the world. Student work is never really finished but part of a process that can keep going - this creates new meaning to "finished" assignment
pg 128 - 9

Big Shift #4
Teaching is Conversation not Lecture
"By publishing conent to a wide audience, we say "these are my ideas, my understandings of the world" "
Ideas are presented as a starting point.... "
Pg 129

Big Shift 5
Know "Where" Learning
It is not important to know what the answer is but to Know Where to find the answer
It is not enough to find the answer but to be able to identify which of the sources we found are "Credible" and "Worthwhile"
p g 130

Big Shift #6
Readers are no longer just Readers
Today, readers can no longer assume what they are reading is correct or has been reviewed by someone else
Readers must know be Editors, Checkers, (Critical Consumers)
pg 130

Big Shift 7
The Web as Notebook
Not only can we collect links, text, but also audio, video, photography and more in our Web Notebook.
Pg 130

Big Shift #8
Writing is no longer Limited to Text
We are moving to a new definition of writing. We are becoming a multimedia society, We can write in audio, video, music, digital photography, computer language. "Rip, Mix and Learn"
pg 131

Big Shift #9
Mastery is the Product, Not the Test
Mastery use to be "Passing the Test" Today students can display mastery in countless ways that involve the creation of digital contnet for large audience. Students are creating "Digital Portfolios"
pg 131

Big Shift #10
Not Completion, as the Ultimate Goal
Teachers will have to start to see themselvves as "Connectors" for content and people
Teachers must become "Content Creators"
To teach the new technologies, teachers must be users of the new technolgies
Teachers must also be "Collaborators", not just with each others but with their students
Teachers are also "Coaches" who model the skills that students need to be successful and motivated
Teachers need to be "Change Agents" to move away from the traditional paradigms of instruction
pg 132-3 Blogs, Wikis, Podcast and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms by Will Richardson

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